Riding across the US: How long would it take?

Riding across the United States on a motorcycle is a dream for many riders, offering an unparalleled opportunity to experience the diverse landscapes, cultures, and roadways of this vast country. In this article, we’ll explore two epic routes: coast-to-coast and through all 48 continental states.
But before we do so, there are several factors to take into consideration when estimating the duration of your cross-country motorcycle journey.

Factors influencing travel time

  • Average Riding Speed: Faster speeds on Interstates get you there faster, but cruising through scenic routes lets you take it easy and soak in the sights.
  • Pace of Riding: Some riders like to clock in those miles every day, while others prefer a laid-back vibe with shorter rides and plenty of pit stops.
  • Level of Leisure Activities: It’s all about balance – exploring cool spots, chatting with locals, and driving into delicious eats can stretch out the adventure and make it even more memorable.
Now, let’s delve into the logistics of each route option.

Coast-to-Coast ride: a 1-3 week trip

The coast-to-coast route is like the holy grail of motorcycle journeys in the US, covering around 3,000 miles from the Atlantic to the Pacific. You’ve got options when it comes to routes, but most folks stick to Interstate 10 (I-10) or Interstate 80 (I-80), depending on whether you start from the East or West Coast.
With an average riding speed of 60 mph and minimal leisure activities, this route can be completed in about 7 days, depending on the pace of riding and overnight stops.
a map with different itineraries to drive across the us on a motorcycle
But if you’re in no rush and want to soak up every bit of adventure along the way, why not stretch out this coast-to-coast journey to around 13 days of riding? And if you’re up for turning this trip into a proper 4-star adventure, giving yourself an additional week or two would be realistic. That way, you can take some well-deserved days off and make detours to national parks, historic landmarks, and scenic byways, really adding some depth to the adventure.
Type of routeMiles
Total Hours
(avg 60mph)
Total riding days
Minimal leisure stops
(avg 7h/day)
Total riding days
Maximal leisure stops
(avg 4h/day)
3,000 mi50h7 days13 days
Through all 48 continental states
15,000 mi250h3 days63 days

Riding through all 48 continental states: a 2-3 month trip

Now, if crossing the country from coast-to-coast is not a big enough trip for you, how about cruising through all 48 continental states? Riding through all states isn’t just about covering ground; it’s about immersing yourself in the rich tapestry of American culture and landscape. Every state brings its own flavor to the ride, from the sun-soaked beaches of California to the rugged peaks of Montana and the charming small towns of the Midwest. It’s not just a road trip; it’s a journey of epic proportions.
For riders aiming to cover all 48 continental states, one approach is to primarily use Interstate highways for efficiency and speed. While riding solely on Interstates can result in a less immersive experience as these highways often bypass smaller towns and scenic routes, this option offers the opportunity to see a wide cross-section of America’s landscapes and major cities within a relatively short time frame.
At an average pace of 60 mph and limited leisure stops, you’re looking at about 35 days of riding to complete this route. But … who wants to ride non-stop for 35 days straight without any break? Depending on how much exploring you’re itching to do, tacking on an extra month sounds like a solid plan.
a map with an itinerary to drive through all US states on a motorcycle
Alternatively, riders can opt for a more scenic and adventurous route by traveling predominantly on US and state routes, as well as backcountry roads. While this approach may involve lower speed limits and slower travel, averaging around 50 mph, it offers a richer exploration of America’s hidden gems.
With this option, you’re looking at about 3 months to cruise through all 48 states. That gives you plenty of time to take in the sights, hit up cool attractions, and connect with locals along the way. From Maine’s rocky shores to the endless plains of the Midwest and the towering peaks out West, get ready for an unforgettable journey filled with discovery and adventure.

Conclusion: Sky’s the limit

Embarking on a motorcycle journey across the United States is an adventure in itself. Whether opting for a coast-to-coast adventure or a route through all 48 continental states, you can tailor this journey to suit your preferences for speed, exploration, and immersion.
So, while those calculations are kinda on point, let’s not get too caught up in the numbers. I mean, why rush through this epic adventure? We’re talking about a once-in-a-lifetime trip here. Sure, you could probably pull it off in a minimum of 2 months, but why not shoot for the stars and stretch it out to a full 6 months to really soak it all in? After all, the sky’s the limit, right?
I'm Isabelle, a 50-something solo traveler and storyteller. For the past decade, I've been solo traveling across North America. Motorcycle touring has become a core part of who I am, shaping how I want to live: empowered, authentic and free.

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